Monday, April 30, 2012

B90 Day Complete!


Honestly, I didn't think I could do it.  I knew that reading the entire Bible in 90 days was going to take not only a time commitment, but a daily habit.  Last year I came upon Amy's blog Mom's Toolbox and learned about B90 (Bible in 90 Days).  I thought about doing it last summer, but it wasn't the right time.  In October when the B90 participants were finishing I read all of their blogs and I was lit on fire to do it when it was offered next.  So on February 1, 2012, I started reading with my accountability group on Aurie's blog.  I started off strong and even tried to read ahead a few days, but weekends really got me off track.  I spent at least an hour a day in the early morning reading.  About halfway through I was going through some personal problems and I decided to quit.  I really knew it was not a good choice and Aurie encouraged me to keep going and I'm glad that I did.  I finished reading the Bible on April 27.

One thing really stood out to me as I read the entire Bible in this short period of time: the presence of the Trinity.  I could see God the Father throughout the OT-walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, providing a ram for Abraham, talking to Moses in the burning bush, carrying Elijah up in the chariot of fire and closing the mouth's of the lions with Daniel.  I saw God the Son, Jesus, in the NT- performing miracles, healing, preaching, dying and coming back to life.  And I saw God the Holy Spirit come at Pentecost and anoint disciples and other believers and is still working in Christians today.

So my B90 day journey is not over, but has just begun, because I am truly excited to now slowly read through God's Word and gather treasures in a whole new way.  I would probably do this challenge again and hope that you pray about it too!  It's an adventure like no other!

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